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Земченкова Татьяна Владимировна112
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Раздаточный материал к уроку английского языка на тему «Выдающиеся изобретатели России и других стран» (10 класс)

Inventors and their inventions

Look at the pictures. How much do you know about these devices? a)  b)   с)

II. Read the text and open the brackets. Use the correct verb form (Active or Passive).


*Rudolf Diesel, a talented engineer, 1)________ (be born) in Germany in 1858; in 1897 he 2)________ (invent) a new internal combustion engine. This engine 3)________ (call) «diesel» and it began a transport revolution due to running on cheap fuel.

*Samuel Finley Morse 4)________ (work) as a portrait painter and was a talented artist but then he 5)________ (become) an inventor. For 12 years he 6)________ (try) to perfect the telegraph when, eventually, he succeeded: a telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet 7)________ (invented) by him. The US government supported Morse and 8)________ (give) money for laying an experimental telegraph line. Soon telegraphic lines 9)________ (construct) all over the USA.

*Charles Makintosh, a chemist by profession, 10)________ (live) in Glasgow, Scotland, and 11)________ (work) in a textile industry. One day in 1823 he 12)________ (do) some research on rubber when he accidentally 13)________ (find) a rubber solution. It could 14)________ (use) for raincoat production. These raincoats 15)________ (call) makintoshes. Still people wear them in spring and in autumn.

*Sergei Korolev 16)________ (be) a Soviet spacecraft designer and rocket engineer whose crew 17)________ (take) an active part in the Space Race between the USSR and the USA in the 1950-60s. The R-7 Rocket with Yuri Gagarin 18)________ (launch) by S.Korolev into space as well as Belka, Strelka, and Laika.

*Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin (1847-1923) 19)________ (study) at the Tambov Cadet School and 20)________ (work) as a worker at the Tula weapons factory. In 1874 the electric filament lamp 21)________ (invent) and 22)________ (patent) by this great engineer. Later he moved to the USA and 23)________ (try) to organise a mass production of his invention. Unfortunately, it 24)________ (not be) commercially profitable. His patent 25)________ (sell) to Thomas Edison’s company.


III Complete the sentences using the information from the text:

The internal engine…..…..in …….. by………. .

The diesel became ………… because……….. .

Before the invention a telegraphic alphabet Samuel Morse…………. .

Charles Makintosh worked………….. and conducted experiments on………..

S.P.Korolev is known as……………… who created…………………… .

Lodygin invented…………….. but…………………





1 was born

2 invented

3 was called

4 worked

5 became

6 had been

7 trying

8 gave

9 were constructed

10 lived

11 worked

12 was doing

13 found

14 be used

15 were called

16 was

17 took

18 was launched

19 studied

20 worked

21 was invented

22 (was) patened

23 tried

24 was not

25 was sold

TASK III. (примерные ответы)

1. was invented…1897 …Rudolf Diesel.

2. a transport revolution …. cheap fuel.

3 …..worked as a portrait painter.

4. ... in a textile industry… rubber.

5 .a Soviet spacecraft designer…..the R-7 Rocket

6.. the electric filament lamp…. his patent was sold to Thomas Edison’s company


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